The CYA Library
The CYA Library offers an up-to-date collection of print and electronic resources as well as excellent library facilities to students, faculty and staff. Its mission is to provide services that support learning, teaching and research.
Have a look at this interview with our Academic Librarian Georgia Katsarou
Course Materials
Textbooks and course materials (except for Modern Greek Language and Archaeological Drawing courses) are issued on loan from the CYA library for the whole semester.
CYA Library has access to the full text of more than 4.500 journals and 11.000 books on humanities, social sciences and sciences.
EBSCO’s eBooks
CYA Library has full access to EBSCO’s interdisciplinary Academic Collection as well as to individually purchased ebooks.
Search Tools
Library Catalog
The print collection of the CYA Library can be searched via the online catalog. Users are allowed to log in to the catalog using their username/password and can then view their circulation history, place holds, and create bibliographic lists. Students are always welcome to request a tutorial on how to use the catalog and find materials in the library.
Other Libraries
CYA students have access to one of the most important libraries in Athens, The Blegen Library of the American School of Classical Studies. This library focuses on all aspects of Greece and the Greeks from earliest prehistory through late antiquity, and it currently houses approximately 105,000 volumes and nearly 700 periodicals. It is one of the premier research libraries in the world and the best in Greece.
Among other specialist libraries, students can visit the Gennadius Library , which houses a significant collection of texts on Greek history, literature, and art from antiquity until modern times.
For help with further research on a topic, our librarian can assist you with access to other academic and specialist libraries throughout Athens.