
CYA is governed by a Board of Trustees, comprising persons distinguished for their professional accomplishments in the areas of law, business, education, philanthropy and scholarship. Members of the Board volunteer their time and resources to support CYA and usually meet twice a year, once in the States and once in Greece.

CYA also has a Board of Advisors, whose members help ensure the continued excellence of CYA programs.

In addition, CYA has recently established an Academic Advisory Roundtable, which brings study abroad professionals and faculty together with CYA faculty and staff in structured discussions. This informal yet serious exchange of inspiration and ideas focuses on the academic experience of CYA programs.

Board of Trustees

Alexis G. Phylactopoulos
Executive Chair, Board of Trustees, College Year in Athens

Yannis Ioannides
Vice Chair, Board of Trustees, College Year in Athens; Max & Herta Neubauer Chair & Professor of Economics, Tufts University

Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (SP ’83)
Secretary of the Board of Trustees, College Year in Athens; Professor of Neuroscience, University of Chicago

Theo Melas-Kyriazi
Treasurer, Board of Trustees, College Year in Athens; Chief Financial Officer, Levitronix Technologies Inc.

Peter Sutton Allen (FY ’65)
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Rhode Island College

Evita Arapoglou
Director of the Leventis Art Gallery at Nicosia, Cyprus

Michail Bletsas
Research Scientist and Director of Computing, MIT Media Lab

Andrea Hannon Brown (FA ’72)
School Psychologist

Anastassis G. David
Chairman of the Board, Coca Cola HBC AG

Daphne Hatsopoulos
Trustee Emerita, Boston Museum of Science

George Komodikis
Member-Advisory Board, Ipswich Investment Management Co., Inc.

Christine Kondoleon
George and Margo Behrakis Chair Emerita of Greek and Roman Art, Department of Art of Ancient Greece and Rome, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Robert Kriscunas (FA ’71)
General Counsel IP Timberlands, LP (retired); Director Global Forest Partners LP (retired); Chairman, Turtle Creek Conservancy, Dallas, TX

Brian Martens (WI ’08, SP ’08)
Lecturer in Archaeology and Ancient History, University of St. Andrews

Alexander Moissis
Vice President, Corporate Development, M&A Execution, SAP

Yiannis Monovoukas
Founder and Manager, Helios Global Investments LLC

Lena Papalexopoulou
Vice President of the Board of Directors, Desmos Non-Profit Foundation; Board Member, CAA, Columbia University; Chair, International Board of Advisors, Tufts University

Elaine Papoulias (FA ’90)
Executive Director, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University

Bliss Perry (SP ’20)
Product Lead, Palantir Technologies

Constantine P. Petropoulos
Chairman Emeritus, Petros Petropoulos A.E.B.E.

Gerry Ranglas
CEO, R & V Management

Deborah Wince-Smith (FY ’71)
President & CEO, U.S. Council on Competitiveness, Washington D.C.

Peter J. Zarifes (SP ’83)
Managing Director – Director of Wealth Management, Whittier Trust

Endy Zemenides (SP ’95)
Executive Director, Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC)

Governance line



Cornelia Mayer Herzfeld (FY ’66)
Recording Secretary of the Board of Trustees

Trustees Emeriti

John McK. Camp II
Director of the Agora Excavations, American School of Classical Studies at Athens

George A. David
Director, Leventis Group

Joan Caraganis Jakobson (FY ’65)
Free-Lance Writer; Advisory Board, Wesleyan Writers Conference; Trustee, New York Historical Society

Mary R. Lefkowitz
Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities Emerita, Wellesley College

Raphael Moissis
Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Trustees, College Year in Athens; Chair Emeritus, Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE) – Greece; Honorary Chairman, AB Vassilopoulos S.A.

Alexander Nehamas
Edmund N. Carpenter II Class of 1943 Professor in the Humanities, Professor of Philosophy and Comparative Literature, Princeton University

Anne Rothenberg (FY ’66)
Trustee, The Huntington Library Art Collections and Botanical Gardens

K. Chris Todd
Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Trustees, College Year in Athens; Partner, Kellogg Hansen Todd Figel & Frederick, PLLC

Thanos Veremis
Professor of Political History Emeritus, University of Athens; Vice Chairman, ELIAMEP

Board of Advisors

P. Nikiforos Diamandouros
Professor of Comparative Politics, University of Athens; Member of the Athens Academy; Former European Ombudsman

Jack Davis
Carl W. Blegen Professor of Greek Archaeology, University of Cincinnati; Former Director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Thomas W. Gallant (FY ’76)
Nicholas Family Endowed Chair, Professor of Modern Greek History, University of California, San Diego

Michael Herzfeld
Ernest E. Monrad Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University

Artemis Leontis
Professor of Modern Greek; Chair, Department of Classical Studies, University of Michigan

Thomas J. Miller
Former U.S. Ambassador to Greece; President/CEO, International Executive Service Corps (IESC)

Gregory Nagy
Francis Jones Professor of Classical Greek Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature, Harvard University

Alan Shapiro (FY ’69)
W.H.Collins Vickers Professor of Archaeology Emeritus and Academy Professor, The John Hopkins University; Whitehead Professor at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1992-93, 2012-13

Voula Tsouna
Professor of Philosophy/Chair, UC-Santa Barbara

Advisors Emeriti

Christos Doumas
Professor of Archaeology Emeritus, University of Athens; Director, Excavations at Akrotiri, Thera

Gerald Lalonde
Professor Emeritus of Classics, Grinnell College

Lily Macrakis
Professor Emerita, Modern European History, Hellenic College-Holy Cross

Stephen V. Tracy
Former Director, American School of Classical Studies at Athens; Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University

Charles Kaufman Williams II
Director Emeritus, Corinth Excavations, American School of Classical Studies

Academic Advisory Roundtable

Michael Arnush
Associate Professor of Classics and Associate Dean of the Faculty, Skidmore College

Jennifer Ewald
Associate Vice-Provost, Global Strategy, Fairfield University

Eve Geroulis
Executive Lecturer, MSM Program Director, Loyola University Chicago

Alexander Kitroeff
Professor Emeritus, History Department, Haverford College

Zoe Kontes
NEH Distinguished Teaching Professor of Classics, Kenyon College

Nicolas Prevelakis
Associate Senior Lecturer on Social Studies, at Harvard’s Committee on Degrees in Social Studies and Assistant Director of Curricular Development at the Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University.

Sanjaya Thakur
Professor of Classics, Colorado College

Margaret Wiedenhoeft
Executive Director, Center for International Programs, Kalamazoo College