CYA Study Abroad in Greece
CYA (College Year in Athens) is a non-profit educational institution that has been acting as a cultural and educational bridge between the U.S. and Greece for over half a century. We aim to help students become global citizens who understand and appreciate other cultures.
Established in 1962, CYA was the first study abroad program in Greece for English-speaking undergraduates. We offer academically outstanding semester, academic year, summer and winter study abroad programs that embrace the vibrant experience of day-to-day contact with the people, institutions, monuments, and landscapes of Greece and the Mediterranean. All our programs are delivered in English at the Athens-based International Center for Hellenic and Mediterranean Studies (DIKEMES), located next to the Kallimarmaro (Marble) Stadium and the National Gardens in the heart of the city.
“Enhance your academic experience, expand your worldview, explore a new culture, grow as an individual and have lots of fun.
Our program will help you achieve all your goals while studying abroad.“
A Diversified Curriculum
Our program boasts an extensive range of academically outstanding courses and unique learning opportunities. Spanning a wide range of disciplines from ancient to contemporary studies, the curriculum is enriched by hands-on learning opportunities and on-site classes. We are dedicated to fostering an engagement with Greece which encourages personal discovery, growth, and cross-cultural sensitivity. Our ultimate goal is for you to return home academically inspired, intellectually stimulated, and with a passionate commitment to the furtherance of international and intercultural understanding.
Academic Excellence & Experiential Learning
We place emphasis on learning beyond the classroom, offering you a hands-on learning experience in the rich and diverse environment of Greece. Many classes are held on-site adding a new dimension to learning and a global understanding of your subjects. A significant portion of the semester is also devoted to field study, designed to both supplement classroom material and give you a deeper understanding of Greece.