A Virtual Vassilopita Cutting!
Today, CYA had the traditional cutting of the Vassilopita, in the virtual presence of the CYA staff.
Vassilopita is a New Year’s Day cake that traditionally contains a hidden coin or trinket which gives good luck to the receiver. The story of the Greek Orthodox custom of the Vassilopita with the lucky coin inside begins in Asia Minor.
Before cutting the Vassilopita, CYA President, Alexis Phylactopoulos, warmly addressed the staff and offered encouraging thoughts regarding the school in these difficult times. As part of his address he remarked:
“CYA is one of the very few study abroad institutions worldwide that continued its operation. By successfully hosting a group of students this fall, we signaled to our partners that we were strong and capable of providing conditions of safety for their students. For this, we must be very proud.”
“CYA has shown its true colors as a responsible and compassionate employer by sheltering all the people that serve it so loyally.”
“Flexibility and improvisation have become by necessity an art form at CYA since continually shifting conditions require us to adjust and readjust our lives.”
The President proceeded to cut the Vassilopita, reserving a piece for each member of staff. Instead of the lucky coin, a lot was drawn and three winners won a special box of goods.
Congratulations to the lucky winners: Erica Huffman (Director of Alumni Relations), Angeliki Dasiou (cleaning staff) and Maria Malliou (Financial Officer).