Anne Stewart
It is with much sadness that we inform the CYA community of the death of former CYA Professor Anne Stewart after a lengthy illness.
Anne was an instructor who gave the better part of her teaching career to CYA. She became a member of the CYA faculty in the fall of 1990 and remained until the spring of 2020. In 2005, Anne was one of the first faculty members to embrace new technology and turn her famous slides into digital ones. At CYA she taught numerous courses and tutorials. In these 30 years, she left behind a legacy of excellence in teaching and thousands of former students, who learned from her about ancient Greek mythology, sculpture, vase painting, and Athenian sites and monuments.
Αnne Stewart’s areas of expertise were ancient sculpture and ancient religion, the interest in ancient Greek religion having developed from a general fascination with religion, religious images, and her work on early cult statues. One of the things Professor Stewart most enjoyed about teaching American students in Greece was, in her own words “…seeing the eyes of students light up when they first see something they have studied back home right there in front of them.”
CYA students of different generations remember her fondly:
“She was a great professor. She took our group around Greece during my study abroad semester in the Greco-Roman program in 1995. She was brilliant.” – Shane Jay
“Condolences to Anne’s family, CYA colleagues, and friends. I am sure that none of our 2015 students will ever forget her expertise, warmth, and humor. -A fabulous teacher!” – Jane Zastera Opitz
“Professor Stewart was an encouraging mentor and a brilliant teacher. I went on to present the project I did for her in her 2006 Greek Vase Painting course at my first academic conference, and now I’m a professor. She inspired me and I learned so much from her! She will be missed but her legacy lives on.” – Emma Kate
“She was brilliant and passionate, one of the most memorable people during my time abroad. I’m so sad to hear of her loss, her memory will never fade.” – Kenzie Young
“A truly gifted educator and scholar who brought every on-site class and field trip to life. I’m so sad to hear of Professor Stewart’s passing — may her memory be a blessing to all whose lives she’s touched.” – Lindsay Bessick
“She was a phenomenal professor and will be missed. My class of 2011 was as amazing as it was in large part because of her enthusiasm.” – Zack Nach
“May her memory be eternal. Have wonderful memories of Prof Stewart’s class in the Agora in 1992. She had a gift of bringing the ancient world to life.” – Georgette Loizou
“Her Sites and Monuments of Athens class was amazing. I still use my class notes to prepare for tours with my own students. Requiescat in Pace.” – Steven Schaffer
CYA will miss Anne greatly. She is survived by her husband Michael Tillotson.