Being Real! Daily Moments From My Life In Greece
[This article was written by CYA Spring ’23 Student and MediaLab intern Maddie Mulligan]
BeReal is a social media app that goes off at a different time each day to capture whatever it is that you’re doing at that time to share with your close friends and family. It’s such a fun way to capture a little kernel of day-to-day life and it’s great for looking back on memories, especially of my time here in Athens! Here are some of my favorite BeReal’s that I’ve taken during my semester at CYA thus far 🙂
This BeReal went off on our field study trip in Delphi in our very first week in Athens, which was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. I ended up asking Grace if she would like to be in the picture, which was a great conversation starter and now we are great friends!
My friend Jenna and I were doing a bit of homework in one of our favorite cafes called Papia, which is conveniently located right next to the CYA classroom building! The cat is a regular there and loves attention and cuddles. I love to do work here and many of my BeReals are in Papia.
On our way to meet some friends for dinner at a fantastic Indian Restaurant to relax after our last classes of the week, the BeReal went off as my roommate Claire and I were crossing the street from the Panathenaic stadium and we took this funny picture in front of a statue showing a man breaking wood. There are many statues all around Athens!
SUNDAY 5 MAR, 2023
My friend Grace messaged me earlier this day and asked if I wanted to go on an impromptu trip to the nearby island of Aegina with her! We had a wonderful time taking the ferry and looking at the beautiful clear blue water before going to the island for lunch, wandering around the temple of Apollo, and soaking up the sun at the beach. I didn’t realize how easy it was to do day trips around and it made me want to do a lot more!
My brother and dad came to visit me and we did a day trip to the Peloponnese, taking this picture on the bridge over the Corinth Canal! My professors talked a bit about the history of the canal on my field study trip to the Peloponnese so I was able to tell them a little bit about it before we went to a few other archaeological sites around the Peloponnese region.
BeReal is such a great way to show your friends and family what you’re up to as you study in Athens and I know I’ll be looking back at these when my time here comes to an end! There are countless more where these came from, but I hope you enjoyed some of my favorites! Studying in Athens is such an amazing experience and even the little daily moments bring so many fun adventures!
[This article was written by CYA Spring ’23 Student and MediaLab intern Maddie Mulligan]