Greek Beats: The Hidden Rhythm of Ancient Theatre
‘Greek Beats: The Hidden Rhythm of Ancient Theatre,’ offers a rhythmical and kinetic approach to Ancient Greek Drama through a contemporary lens. Behind everything lies rhythm and movement—a vivid code that keeps the world in motion. The course consists of 24 practical classes (divided into two sections) inspired by Ancient Drama, exploring the functions of rhythm and movement—and thereby Time and Space—within a group of individuals. Two instructors from the Athens Conservatoire will guide participants through simple steps to gradually connect with what we call “the present body.” This process will raise awareness not only of aspects of one’s physicality but also of concepts like togetherness, collaboration, tuning in, active participation, and more. The course is designed for everyone, regardless of skills or background in music, dance, or theater, who wishes to experience an alternative way of learning that can contribute to a deeper understanding of theoretical concepts applicable to other fields.
This kinetic course will focus on the use of space and the symbolic dimension of movement in the Chorus of ancient drama. Through physical practices, we will explore the relationships between group members, the boundaries of autonomy or free will, and the extent to which these are distinguishable within a unanimous ensemble. We will examine how collective decisions are made and how they are reflected in the bodies and geometry of space. What is the power of a straight line, the inclusivity of a semicircle, the secrecy of a circle? How do these forms differ between Tragedy and Comedy? Additionally, we will seek ways to dramatize movement and how to transition from more personal or imitative movement to one
that carries symbolic power.