Support CYA, Support Study Abroad

Thank you for believing in our mission to provide an affordable, quality study abroad program for all students in the rich environment of Greece.

“Ε Υ Χ Α Ρ Ι Σ Τ Ω”

Your generosity in support of CYA helps us continue the tradition of providing students with the opportunity to take the journey of a lifetime and allows us to continue our work on new projects and exciting opportunities for future generations of CYA students.

Here’s how your support is having an impact on CYA.

Philanthropy impact on CYA
|By the Numbers| ~ |Watch Video|



CYA is the premier choice for study abroad in Greece, dedicated to the highest quality study abroad education, offering an academically rich and rigorous curriculum, extensive study travel, and impressive faculty.

CYA’s ascent throughout the years has been driven by the generosity of our alumni and friends. By giving to CYA, you help secure the present and guarantee the future of our institution.

Donations make so many things possible: from the continuous improvement of our facilities to the development of new courses, the funding of professor sabbaticals and research, inviting renowned visiting professors, and granting student awards for those less fortunate, and more.

Whatever your motivation, you’ll find many ways to make a difference at CYA.

Student support

Today, CYA is able to extend its curriculum beyond the classics and humanities and well into the social sciences, attracting students from all fields of study.
Philanthropic support has helped us expand our course offerings in areas that are attractive to today’s students who are interested in developing skills and preparing for their future profession.
At the same time, financial support has allowed us to offer scholarships to students since too many will go on to graduate from the home institutions with student loans that may burden them, influencing, therefore, the career choices they make after graduation.
Your gift combines to create life-changing opportunities to our CYA students.

Faculty support

CYA’s most important academic strength remains the quality of its faculty and its ability to attract bright new instructors with research interests. Faculty development remains a priority and a number of institutional regulations are in place to promote it, such as sabbaticals and travel grants to present in academic conferences abroad.
CYA’s faculty is also the driving force behind our institutions student development and life-changing experience. Philanthropic support helps us ensure that current faculty thrive in teaching and participate in workshops on improving teaching methodology.

CYA Priorities

A key component in the institution’s ability to advance its academic priorities and fund strategic opportunities stems from the generosity of alumni and friends. Here are a few of CYA’s most important priorities and opportunities for which ongoing financial support is needed:

Annual Fund

Each year CYA asks its alumni and friends to support its Annual Fund. This fund is critical to securing the necessary growth so that CYA may remain competitive and to maintain the overall health of the organization.

Why give to the annual fund?

  • CYA changed the direction of your life and you want many more students to have this opportunity
  • This is your way of saying “Thank you” to CYA
  • You understand the critical importance that study abroad has on the development of global citizens that will understand the cultural differences and the intricacies of the world
  • The Annual Fund offers the opportunity for the highest quality of services to be maintained and allows us to provide additional programs and experiences for students

Named Scholarships

What better way to support a deserving CYA student than through a named scholarship? You can honor a special person and give the incredible experience of College Year in Athens to an academically qualified student who would not otherwise be able to attend.

The following scholarships have been established to recognize the important contributions to the Program made by dedicated educators who were involved in the development of College Year in Athens

  • H.D.F. Kitto Scholarship: H.D.F. Kitto taught Ancient Greek Language and Attic Tragedy for CYA between 1965 and 1980.
  • Catherine Koumarianou Scholarship: Catherine Koumarianou taught Modern Greek History and Modern Greek Language between 1966 and 1991, and was a member of the Board of Trustees from 2001 to 2007.
  • Robert Lane Scholarship: Robert Lane taught Philosophy between 1974 and 1997.
  • Harry L. Levy Scholarship: Harry L. Levy taught Advanced Ancient Greek in 1971-72 and was a member of the Board of Advisors from 1966 to 1981.
  • Kimon T. Giocarinis Summer Scholarship: This scholarship for summer study has been established to honor a learned educator who served CYA loyally and with distinction as Director of Studies for 30 years.

The following awards are also given annually

  • Harold Evjen Scholarship: This is an annual award of $1,000 to a classics major, funded by Professor Hara Tzavella Evjen in memory of her husband, Harold (Hal) Evjen who taught Ancient Athletics at CYA in 1994-95 and again between 1999 and 2002.
  • The Alumni Award: This award of $500 is supported by the generous donations of former CYA students.
  • Caraganis-Welt Scholarship: This is an annual award of $1,000 to a history major, funded by Mrs. Joan Caraganis Jacobson, CYA ’65, in honor of her parents.
  • William C. Kontes ‘99 Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship, founded in memory of William Constantine Kontes, who attended CYA for the full year in 1999, was established by CYA and Zoë Kontes ’95, Will’s sister, rewarding ambitious, driven, goal-oriented college-level students admitted to College Year in Athens for a Full Academic Year enrollment status. The William C. Kontes ’99 Memorial Scholarship is supported by the generous donations of CYA alumni and individual donors.

Class Gifts

It is commonly known that there is strength in numbers and that a group of people has more influence or power than one person. CYA classes can benefit from this and maximize their ability to make an impact by working together as a group and pooling their resources. These generous initiatives are a wonderful way for graduated classes to leave their mark on CYA and be remembered for the years to come. Kindly contact Erica Huffman at [email protected] so that we may discuss together the needs of CYA and how your “Class Gift” may assist our efforts.

Thank you for considering a gift to CYA!



There are a number of ways of making your donation to College Year in Athens:
   Gifts by credit/debit card can be made online


   Gifts by check should be made payable to College Year in Athens and mailed to:

College Year in Athens
PO Box 390890,
Cambridge, MA 02139


  Wire Transfer Gifts. You can wire funds directly to CYA from your bank using the information provided below. To ensure proper crediting, please include your name and intended gift purpose.

Receiving Bank: Bank of America, 100 Federal Street Boston, MA 02109
ABA Routing #: 026009593
Account #: 0000501-69735 (College Year in Athens, Inc.)
Memo/Reference: Donor name, degree/year, and intended gift purpose (i.e., annual fund, scholarship, etc)

* Please notify [email protected] when you have made the transfer.


  For Greek Based Donations (€) For those who would prefer to contribute in Greece, you may do so by wiring your gift to:

Plateia Stadiou 5, Athens, GR-116 35

Alpha Bank
Account Name: ΔΙ.ΚΕ.ΜΕ.Σ – Εργαστήριο Ελευθέρων Σπουδών
IBAN: GR72 0140 1150 1150 0200 2017 702



Account Name: ΔΙ.ΚΕ.ΜΕ.Σ – Εργαστήριο Ελευθέρων Σπουδών
IBAN: GR91 0260 2220 0008 9020 0857 427

*Please notify Ms. Maria Malliou at [email protected] when you made the transfer


  Gifts of Stock. By transferring appreciated stock to College Year in Athens, you may be eligible for a tax deduction equal to the full fair market value of the stock, avoid the capital gains tax on the stock’s increased value. In order for the gift to be acknowledged, it is important to notify CYA of the type and amount of stock you will be giving. You may do this either personally or through your agent or broker. Please contact our Bursar for details. Tel: 617.868.8201 or Email[email protected]


  Planned Giving. Planned gifts to CYA are a convenient way for a donation to be committed to in the present as part of a person’s estate planning and allocated at a future date. These gifts may include bequests, charitable trusts, gifts of retirement plan assets, gifts of life insurance policies, and gifts of tangible personal property. If this kind of donation is of interest to you, kindly contact [email protected] and we will assist you in reviewing the various options.

Click here to view the Planned Giving Brochure


  Matching Gifts. An easy way to double (or triple) your donation to CYA is to find out if your company has a matching-gift program. Many companies will offer employees and spouses such a possibility. This is a wonderful way for CYA to benefit two fold or even more from your generosity and literally allowing your donation to have a greater overall impact. Kindly check with your human resource department if this is a practice which they follow and CYA will do what is necessary to follow up. If your employer is interested, please request a matching gift form from them and send it completed with your gift.

Give to CYA

By giving to CYA, you can help secure the present and future of an institution which has been dedicated to the highest quality study abroad education since 1962. Donations make so many things possible from the continuous improvement of our facilities, to the development of new courses, the funding of professor sabbaticals and research, to inviting renowned visiting professors and granting student awards for those less fortunate to name a few.

Thank you for believing in our mission to provide an affordable, quality study abroad program for all students in the rich environment of Greece. Your generosity in support of CYA helps us continue the tradition of providing students with the opportunity to take the journey of a lifetime and allows us to continue our work on new projects and exciting opportunities for future generations of CYA students.

DONORS 2023-2024