Email: | [email protected] |
School: | Colby College |
Cya Term: | Fall 2024 |
Major: | Government, Psychology; Minor: Economics |
Anticipated Graduation: | [email protected] |
Studying abroad has a plethora of benefits, but I think one of the most important is the increase of independence. While abroad, students are forced into new and uncomfortable situations that push them out of their comfort zones and create new and rewarding opportunities for students. I think that living in an apartment and learning how to cook and provide for myself has allowed me to gain independence and learn how to do new things on my own. Studying abroad has also given me new cultural perspectives. As for personal growth, studying abroad allowed me to connect more strongly to my Greek roots and assimilate more into the culture, strengthening my ties with my ancestry. It helped me not only gain a better understanding of the Greek culture, but European culture as a whole. My semester abroad allowed me to gain more confidence in myself and my abilities. Before abroad, I already felt as if I was an independent person, but abroad allowed me to expand on that independence and become more comfortable in it, while also connecting with other students through our shared new experiences and perspectives.
What advice do you have for prospective students who are interested in or planning to study abroad with CYA?
My advice to future CYA students would be to try to assimilate as much as possible into the Greek culture. Whether it be trying new foods, hanging out at new cafes, or going to get dinner or a drink with friends at night to hang out and chat and be "χαλαρά." I was always open to trying new foods that I maybe hadn't had before, or going to a different taverna or cafe every time to get even more out of my experience. I also traveled to neighborhoods around Παγκράτι, but I wish I had seen some more, such as Εξάρχεια. I think seeing these other neighborhoods also gives a broader perspective of life in Greece, rather than just staying in Παγκράτι. I did use the Metro and tram system to travel around myself, such as trips to the Temple of Poseidon, Lake Vouliagmeni, or Glyfada, but I think I could've explored neighboring places more. I think just doing as much travel around Greece and around the neighborhood of Παγκράτι is incredibly important to gaining a better understanding of the Greek culture and working to assimilate for a number of months.
How was the political climate in Greece different from what are you used to? If applicable, describe a time when you had to navigate a political conversation during your time abroad.
The political climate in the US definitely seeps into European conversations as Europeans are impacted by US political activities. I had to navigate numerous political conversations with waiters, uber drivers, etc, especially in regards to the Trump nomination, or the buildup to the election. I maintained a sort of neutral position so as to remain in a calm and safe environment, but definitely came into contact with a lot of people who had a lot to say about US politics.
please select any of the following that apply to you, and that you would be willing to share about your CYA experience with other students:
Accessibility, Dietary restrictions, Finances, Mental health, Religion, Student athlete
Briefly describe a cultural experience you had that was significant to you in any way.
I just think that trying new foods and going to tavernas to enjoy a Greek meal with friends is a great way to experience Greek culture and life. Everywhere I went, I used my Greek speaking abilities and was not afraid to make a mistake, because everyone was so welcoming to me learning Greek.
Favorite food in Greece?
Favorite class you took at CYA?
Favorite quote from abroad?
What extracurricular activities were you involved with in Greece?
I was not involved in volunteering but did have some friends who worked with refugees in Athens. I think this experience would be incredibly informing and wish I had taken part in it, but would suggest it to a future student, especially to learn more about Europe and the refugee crisis, etc. I engaged in an interview with my peer and fellow Greek-American to inform other Greek-Americans of our experience abroad and how it strengthened my cultural ties.