Penelope-Anne Mountjoy
PhD (U of Bristol) FSAU
Archaeology (ARCH)
Dr. Penelope-Anne Mountjoy holds a BA in Classics from the University of Bristol (Honors) , an MPhil from the University of London and a PhD from the University of Bristol. She has received many grants and awards.
She has taken part in excavations at Myrtos, Knossos, Mycenae, Pyrgos (Crete), Paphos (Cyprus), and Troy (Asia Minor).
Her record as archaeological draughtsman specializing in the drawing of pottery is extensive. A member of the British School at Athens, Dr. Mountjoy has presented papers at archaeological conferences in Great Britain, Greece, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Israel, Cyprus, Turkey and Australia and has taught at Queens University, Kingston, Canada as Scholar in Residence and at the Universities of Mannheim, Tubingen and Frankfurt, at the latter as Mercator Gast Professor. Most recently she has held the Glassman Holland Fellowship and the Seymour Gitin Distinguished Professor Fellowship at the Albright Institute, Jerusalem and a Senior Fellowship at Koç University’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED), Istanbul.
She is the author of several monographs and numerous scholarly articles. Among her publications are “Mycenaean Decorated Pottery: A Guide to Identification” (Gothenberg, 1986), “Mycenaean Pottery: An Introduction” (Oxford University Press, 1993), “Regional Mycenaean Decorated Pottery” (Berlin, 1999), “Knossos: the South House” (Oxford, 2003), and “Troy 9: Troy VI Middle, VI Late and VII. The Mycenaean Pottery” (Habelt, 2017). Dr. Mountjoy is currently working on Mycenaean IIIC (1200-1050 BC) pottery in Cyprus, Turkey and Israel.