Christoforos Rekatsinas
PhD (U of Patras)
Scientist at NCSR "Demokritos"
Computer Information Systems (CIS)
Christoforos Rekatsinas (Ph.D.) is a collaborating researcher at the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of NCSR Demokritos since January 2023. He holds both a Diploma of Mechanical & Aeronautics Engineering (2010) and a Ph.D. (2016) from University of Patras. He has worked as a post-Doctoral researcher in the Department of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering of University of Patras attaining a technical and managerial experience of seven years in European (CleanSky, FP7) and Greek (Research – Create – Innovate) research projects. Now works as a collaborating researcher in the Software & Knowledge Engineering Lab of NCSR Demokritos in the field of Reinforcement Learning for Structural Design applications with focus on composite and smart materials and on the training of Neural Networks envisioning to facilitate the Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Structures.