Roussi Christina Roussi

Dr Christina Roussi

  • DSE (U of Thessaly)
  • Psychology (PSY)
  • Public Health (PBHL)


Dr Christina Roussi is an Assistant Professor in Educational Psychology at the Department of Special Education, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece. Her post-doctoral research focused on the study of children’s emotional and behavioral difficulties and problems. Her doctoral research focused on the study of burnout and job satisfaction in primary school teachers, in combination with their personality characteristics.

Her specialization in Counselling in Special Education, Education and Health was achieved through postgraduate studies at the Pedagogical Department of Special Education of the University of Thessaly. She teaches the courses “Educational Psychology”, Counselling Psychology in Education”, “Social and Cognitive Development of the Child”, “Applications of Educational Psychology”, and other courses in post-graduate studies programs aiming at teachers’ counselling in students, wellbeing and resilience.

Her research and teaching work include issues of enhancing self-regulation, the study of motivation in education, psychopathology and adaptation in educational contexts. She is a member of the Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee of the University of Thessaly and an alternate member of the University’s Research Ethics Committee.