Maddie Comer
What did you find most beneficial about your CYA Post-Baccalaureate experience?
“Through courses such as Epigraphy and experiences like working in the library, CYA gave me the opportunity and resources to develop unique skills and perspectives in the disciplines of classics and library science, making me a competitive applicant for graduate-level programs”
Where are you at now?
I am currently a master’s student of Library and Information Science at Simmons University, Boston where I specialize in studying archival management and digital humanities. Furthermore, I am beginning to look into conducting research on oral histories and collective memory.
Aside from school, I am a full-time Writing Studio Specialist at the American Community School Athens where I also run two student clubs: The Makerspace club and The Ancestry Codebreakers. I am also continuing to learn Modern Greek, travel, immerse myself in Greek culture, and share my American culture with my local Greek community.
Which institutions were you accepted to for masters programs?
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Syracuse University | University of Maryland | Simmons University – Archives Management