Gaining Valuable Knowledge, Hands-on Experience, and Cultural Insight: Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Placements at CYA
As a new semester is right around the corner, the CYA Student Affairs department is busy accommodating the needs of students who are interested in helping local communities and gaining experience in their fields of interest. It looks like the new CYA semester is going to be the most active one so far, in terms of volunteering and internship positions taken up by students.
As we are looking forward to the exciting co-curricular and extra-curricular projects students participate in, let’s take a look at the wide range of activities, volunteering and internships of 2022 Spring Semester students.
Overall, more than 50 students successfully completed placements (some students undertook more than one) spanning a diverse selection of fields: Humanitarian, Farming/Agriculture, Women’s Studies, Goldsmithing, Animal Rescue, Marine Conservation, Medical, Children’s Education, Culture, Economics, and Law.
Here are some of Spring ’22 interns and volunteers describing their experience:
“I’ve loved learning more about Greek feminism and the history of the women’s movement in Greece, it has been a very meaningful experience for me. It has made me consider my own feminism, and how there are cultural differences to be aware of. […] This internship has added to the overall study abroad experience by helping me to better understand the country I am studying in.”
Ruby Vickers, Delfy’s Women’s Archive
“It was great to be able to work in a professional environment and know that the pieces I worked on would be featured in museum shops and other real-life spaces. It was also great to immerse myself in the workforce of a foreign culture and learn more about everyday Athenians”
Anna Neiblum, Both Jewelry Studio
“This experience truly was my favorite thing I have done in Greece”
Joe McCoy, Petra Farm (Paros)
“The experience was very rewarding because I knew I was supporting a great organization and wonderful people. Also, it was located in Piraeus, so I had the opportunity to explore the exciting and historically significant port.”
Kate Philips, Blue Cycle
“I would never get an opportunity like this in the U.S. Dr. Smparounis is an amazing teacher and I got hands-on experience in the surgical field. I learned so much about international medicine!”Lexie Masca, General Hospital of Athens
“Volunteering at Kora was the highlight of my week every time I went! The staff was very welcoming and kind, and very patient as I learned. The bakery offers good-quality products I feel proud to contribute to. I have learned a lot about both how bakeries run as well as what everyday life is for Greeks.”
Lucy Anderson, Kora Bakery
“I got to learn how a magazine is structured, and what it takes to publish one. I also got to grow my writing skills!”
Joe McCoy, Insider Magazine
“ I was able to do so much more hands-on work than shadowing back home in the United States. […] I gained so much valuable dental knowledge while having a great experience with the staff and patients.”
Olivia Baumberger, Dokou Dental Office