Beyond Greece and Rome: The Other Ancient Mediterranean Worlds
Beyond Greece and Rome. From the emergence of the first agricultural societies to the complex tapestry of the Iron Age, students will embark on an academic journey across time and geography, uncovering the rich heritage of the ancient Mediterranean, Near East, Anatolia, North Africa, and neighboring regions.
The course will primarily focus on the Eastern Mediterranean basin, examining the rise of early state-level societies in Mesopotamia, the interconnected world of the Late Bronze Age, and the transformative period of the Iron Age, including the civilizations of the 1st millennium BC. However, to provide a broader context, the course will also explore the cultural dynamics of the Central Mediterranean, Iranian Plateau, and the Balkans, offering students a comprehensive understanding of the ancient Mediterranean world.
In the final weeks of the course, students will engage in thematic discussions covering literature, state formation processes, funerary practices, and the modern reception of ancient cultures. These discussions will allow students to delve deeper into specific aspects of the ancient world and share their insights through presentations.