CYA Welcomes Trustee Brian Martens

CYA is delighted to welcome Brian Martens (CYA ’08) to his new position within the CYA Community; this time as a member of the Board of Trustees. Brian is an old acquaintance of CYA: apart from being an alumnus, he has always been a loyal supporter throughout his education at Creighton, Oxford University, and now at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens.
Brian, currently Getty-American Council of Learned Societies Postdoctoral Fellow in the History of Art, at Agora Excavations of the ASCSA, will prove valuable with his wide knowledge of archaeology in Greece. Brian is an archaeologist with interests in the art and visual cultures of the ancient Mediterranean basin, especially in the region of the Greek East. His research focuses on the making, trading, and display of figural sculpture. Brian is completing the book manuscript on the corpus of marble statuettes from the Athenian Agora, a site where he has supervised excavations since 2013.
CYA hosted Brian in 2008, as a Creighton undergraduate of Classical Languages and Art History. Brian received his DPhil and MPhil from Lincoln College, Oxford, with the support of a Clarendon Scholarship. His research has been funded by the Archaeological Institute of America, the Kress Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, and the Onassis Foundation. In 2018-19, he was a post-doctoral research fellow at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. From 2019-21 he taught classics and art history at Creighton University and we are looking forward to his work on his book on “Sculptors at Work in Roman Athens: Production, Trade, and Economics.”