Jacqueline McLaughlin
Visiting Professor
Biology (BIOL)
The Pennsylvania State University – Lehigh Valley
Professor of Biology
CHANCE Director
[email protected]
Dr. Jacqueline McLaughlin is a Professor of Biology at Pennsylvania State University-Lehigh Valley and Founding Director of CHANCE (Connecting Humans And Nature through Conservation Experiences). Her prodigious experiences as a biology professor in the life sciences, faculty mentor in teaching, short-term study-abroad program director and development officer, international conservationist, researcher in the field of biology education, and foreign affairs officer for the U.S. Department of State in the area of science diplomacy and science and technology (S&T) cooperation have empowered her to constantly navigate the changing dynamic of higher education worldwide in order to (re) create transformative learning environments that support, encourage, and inspire students to better our world through STEM.
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