Meet our new MediaLab interns: Alexandra, Kalei and Rachel!
We are excited to welcome 3 new media lab interns for Fall ’18: Rachel Klein, Kalei Oliver and Alexandra Strong. The interns have already started working closely with the CYA media lab team, under the guidance of Communications Professor Demetris Kamaras, to create stories for the CYA social media and blog. You will have the chance to follow them closely as they share their thoughts and experiences of studying abroad in Greece.
Meanwhile, here’s a little information about each of our Fall ’18 interns, in their own words:
Rachel Klein
Hi! My name is Rachel and I’m a junior at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. I’m an anthropology major with a writing minor and back at school I am involved in the theater community as well as my sorority, Rho Epsilon Pi. Here in Athens, I’m excited to discover more about Greek culture and food, snap loads of pictures, and learn the art of marble sculpting!
Kalei Oliver
Hello! My name is Kalei Oliver and I am a junior at Wellesley College near Boston, Massachusetts. I study Anthropology with a focus in South American Indigenous Archaeology as well as a minor in Cinema and Media Studies. I’m very excited to be here in Athens so I can branch out into the wonderful world of classics. I love to travel, go backpacking, take photos & videos, and enjoy all that life has to offer!
Alexandra Strong
Hi! I’m Alexandra, a junior studying Anthropology and English at Tufts University in Boston. Back at Tufts I’m involved in a few writing and publishing clubs, a cappella, and I’m a tour guide. Here at CYA I’m taking some amazing classes focusing around art and tourist spaces while also having the opportunity to explore and expand my own personal knowledge on my surroundings. I’m so excited to explore Athens more and more each week, and I’m excited to share my stories with you!