Dec 2016

Class Outside of a Room

This semester, students at College Year in Athens have gone on some amazing field-trips: from Delphi, to the Peloponnese, all the way to Crete.


Nov 2016

The CYA Experience eBook

CYA Students view their study abroad in Greece as a life-changing experience, one that has increased their awareness and perceptions making them


Nov 2016

Life-changing experiences

Living and studying in Greece during these most difficult and challenging times seems to have brought out the best in many of my students. They


Nov 2016

A world full of beauty

One of the basic targets is to actually teach a different way of seeing and perceiving our surroundings. If we succeed, the natural environment


Nov 2016

American students learn Greek!

American students learn Greek! It is an adventure in itself this decision- obligation. All these verbs, articles, nouns, singular, plural. But is


Nov 2016

Too much vocabulary!

When I start my beginners Modern Greek class, I feel my students’ panic for the language class and their inner dialogues. - My God! Too much